2023 impact factors are available

Dear Readers,

We would like to inform you that the 2023 impact factor (IF) values published by Clarivate Analytics became available on 20th June 2024 in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) subscribed database.

A reminder of the previous changes:

  • Last year's JCR edition extended the list of IF values to include Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) journals, significantly increasing the number of periodicals that receive an IF value.
  • From the IF values of 2022 onwards, IFs are displayed in the JCR database with one decimal place instead of the previous three. (Prior to 2022, IFs remained at the three decimal places.)
  • For IF values from 2022 onwards where the IF is less than 0.05, the value < 0.1 is displayed instead of 0. (For IF values before 2022, no such indication is shown.)

Change for this year:

  • The categories of the various editions of JCR (SCIE, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI) have been standardized, making it easier to compare journals in the same discipline in the 254 categories.

Other interesting information:

  • 25 journals in the arts and humanities categories have IF values, but do not receive rankings, quartiles or percentiles.
  • 544 journals have received their first IF.
  • Impact metrics (Journal IF, 5-year IF, and Immediacy Index) of 17 journals are not published due to anomalous citation patterns found in the 2023 citation data.

For further information please see the following sources: