SciFindern webinars

Dear Readers, 

We would like to inform you that CAS has launched a new webinar series. The series will tell you all about SciFindern. The webinars will be held in English in 40 minutes sessions. Each topic will be covered three times on that day in different hours. The following links will take you to the registration pages, where you must sign up in order to participate.

February 17, 2021 
SciFindern  Back To Basics 
Get to relevant information faster. Broader exploratory text searchesfocused on more precise results. Refining, filters and Search Within options.

March 17, 2021 
New Visualizations in SciFindern 
New data visualizations are coming to SciFindern. How to visualize the structural similarity of chemicals, review biosequence search results graphically.

April 21, 2021 
Biosequence Searching in SciFindern 
Adding biosequence searching, and increasing the biosequences collection.

May 19, 2021 
Advanced Reference and Substance Searching in SciFindern 
Increase precision in your reference and substance search results.

June 23, 2021
Advanced Reaction Searching in SciFindern 
Increase precision in your reaction search results.

August 18, 2021 
Retrosynthesis Enhancements in SciFindern 
Build complete synthetic plans with a blend of experimentally derived and predicted reaction steps for both novel or known molecules.

Recorded Webinars and furtuer information: