Trial access to the following databases by Ovid

Dear Readers,

We would like to call your attention to the following trial access oportunity provided by Ovid. The 60 days free trials of LWW  learning/teaching resources amongst others includes Lippincott textbooks for medical education basics and anatomical sciences and Acland Anatomy - which are videos of real human cadavers anatomy structures. 

The following databases are included in the trial:


Video-based anatomy from dissections/cadaver labs.
26-Apr-2021 25-Jun-2021

Head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination technique videos.
26-Apr-2021 25-Jun-2021

Anatomical sciences, basic sciences, osteopathic medicine, and clerkship/clinical rotations.
26-Apr-2021 25-Jun-2021

  • Clerkship Collection (26-Apr-2021 25-Jun-2021)
  • Occupational Therapy Collection (26-Apr-2021 25-Jun-2021)
  • Physical Therapy Collection (26-Apr-2021 25-Jun-2021)
  • Premium Basic Sciences Collection (26-Apr-2021 22-Jun-2021)



Detection, prevention, and education of infectious diseases.
26-Apr-2021 25-Jun-2021

Access is availabe through Ovid Medline platfrom under the Links menu.

40,000+ images of disease or clinical guidance on therapy, management, pitfalls, and more.
26-Apr-2021 26-May-2021

Access is availabe through Ovid Medline platfrom under the Links menu.