Author profile
Nemoda, Zsófia
Semmelweis UniversityFaculty of Medicine
Biokémiai és Molekuláris Biológiai Intézet
Molekuláris Biológiai Tanszék
Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika
H-index calculated based on data from Hungarian Scientific Bibliograpy (all publications of the author)
H-index (last 5+ years)
H-index calculated based on data from Hungarian Scientific Bibliograpy (all publications of the author published in last 5 years)
Number of citations (WoS, SU articles)
Number of citations received for papers affiliated with SU, published in the last 5 years in WoS database
Number of citations (5+ years MTMT)
Based on citations of papers indexed in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography database, published in last 5+ years
Citation count (MTMT I-IV)
Based on citations of papers indexed in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography database
Contribution for citations
Indicates the contribution of the author to the citation number of the university in the last 5 years (Based on article and review types indexed in Web of Science)
Highly cited papers
Number of "Highly cited papers" in WoS database
Summarized IF (from 1994)
Summarized IF values of the Journals where the papers have been published
Profile of Nemoda Zsófia at "Scientometrics of Hungarian researchers" page
List of Semmelweis University affiliated publications( 2020-2025 )
Scientific areas
Neuroscience / Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (24 %)
Neuroscience / Biological Psychiatry (23 %)
Medicine / Genetics(clinical) (18 %)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology / Molecular Biology (14 %)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology / Biochemistry (14 %)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology / Genetics (9 %)
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics / Pharmacology (9 %)
Medicine / Clinical Neurology (8 %)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology / Clinical Biochemistry (7 %)
Psychology / Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (7 %)
Neuroscience / Behavioral Neuroscience (7 %)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology / Cell Biology (7 %)
Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry (7 %)
Medicine / Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health (5 %)
Psychology / Clinical Psychology (5 %)
Psychology / Developmental and Educational Psychology (5 %)
Articles recently published in SJR D1 journals
COVID-19 related publications of the university