Semmelweis Publications

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Number of papers published in journals (based on Hungarian Scientific Bibliography)
H-index last 5+ years (MTMT) info
5+ year H-index (Based on national and international publications published in the last 5+ years )
5+ year H-index (Based on national and international publications published in the last 5+ years )
H-index (MTMT) info
H-index calculated based on data from Hungarian Scientific Bibliograpy (all publications of the author published in last 5+ years)
H-index calculated based on data from Hungarian Scientific Bibliograpy (all publications of the author published in last 5+ years)
Publications (article, review) indexed in international databases info
Publications (article, review) indexed in international databases
Publications (article, review) indexed in international databases
Number of citations (WoS, SU articles) info
Number of citations received for papers affiliated with SU, published in the last 5 years in WoS database
Number of citations received for papers affiliated with SU, published in the last 5 years in WoS database
Citation count for papers published in last 5+ years (MTMT I-IV) info
Based on citations of papers indexed in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography database, published in last 5+ years
Based on citations of papers indexed in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography database, published in last 5+ years
Citation count (MTMT I-IV) info
Based on citations of papers indexed in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography database
Based on citations of papers indexed in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography database
Number of highly cited papers info
Number of "Highly cited" publications in WoS database
Number of "Highly cited" publications in WoS database


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Semmelweis Publications
Release: 2025_2
Department data last refreshed at: 04.02.2025
Author data last refreshed at: 04.02.2025
(c) Semmelweis University - Central Library