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Benyó Zoltán publikációi.
(Klinikai Kísérleti Kutató- és Humán Élettani Intézet)

Elevated systemic TGF-beta impairs aortic vasomotor function through activation of NADPH oxidase-driven superoxide production and leads to hypertension, myocardial remodeling, and increased plaque formation in apoE(-/-) mice. (Journal Article)
Buday A;Orsy P;Godó M;Mózes M;Kökény G;Lacza Z;Koller A;Ungvári Z;Gross ML;Benyó Z;Hamar P
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán, Buday Anna, Godó M., Hamar P., Koller Á., Kökény G., Lacza Zsombor, Lacza Zsombor, Mózes Miklós, Őrsy Petra
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 2010. 299(2): pH386-95

Hypersensitivity to thromboxane receptor mediated cerebral vasomotion and CBF oscillations during acute NO-deficiency in rats. (Journal Article)
Horváth B;Lenzsér G;Benyó B;Németh T;Benko R;Iring A;Hermán P;Komjáti K;Lacza Z;Sándor P;Benyó Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benkő Rita, Benyó Zoltán, Hermán Péter, Horváth Béla, Lacza Zsombor, Lacza Zsombor, Lenzsér Gábor, Németh Tamás, Sándor Péter
PloS one, 2010. 5(12): pe14477

Urothelial cells produce hydrogen peroxide through the activation of Duox1. (Journal Article)
Donkó A;Ruisanchez E;Orient A;Enyedi B;Kapui R;Péterfi Z;de Deken X;Benyó Z;Geiszt M
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán, Donkó Ágnes, Enyedi Balázs Gábor, Geiszt Miklós, Orient Anna, Péterfi Zalán, Ruisanchez Éva
Free radical biology & medicine, 2010. 49(12): p2040-8

Additive effect of cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase blockade on the cerebrocortical microcirculation. (Journal Article)
Lacza Z;Hortobágyi L;Horváth B;Horváth EM;Sándor P;Benyo Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán, Hortobágyi László, Horváth Béla, Horváth Eszter M., Lacza Zsombor, Sándor Péter
Neuroreport, 2009. 20(11): p1027-31

Carbon monoxide-prostaglandin E2 interaction in the hypothalamic circulation. (Journal Article)
Horváth B;Hortobágyi L;Lenzsér G;Schweer H;Hrabák A;Sándor P;Benyó Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán, Hortobágyi László, Horváth Béla, Hrabák András, Lenzsér Gábor, Sándor Péter
Neuroreport, 2008. 19(16): p1601-4

G12-G13-LARG-mediated signaling in vascular smooth muscle is required for salt-induced hypertension. (Journal Article)
Wirth A;Benyó Z;Lukasova M;Leutgeb B;Wettschureck N;Gorbey S;Orsy P;Horváth B;Maser-Gluth C;Greiner E;Lemmer B;Schütz G;Gutkind JS;Offermanns S
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán, Horváth Béla, Őrsy Petra
Nature medicine, 2008. 14(1): p64-8

Adaptation of the hypothalamic blood flow to chronic nitric oxide deficiency is independent of vasodilator prostanoids. (Journal Article)
Hortobágyi L;Kis B;Hrabák A;Horváth B;Huszty G;Schweer H;Benyó B;Sándor P;Busija DW;Benyó Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán, Hortobágyi László, Horváth Béla, Hrabák András, Sándor Péter
Brain research, 2007. 1131(1): p129-37

Influence of the heme-oxygenase pathway on cerebrocortical blood flow. (Journal Article)
Leszl-Ishiguro M;Horváth B;Johnson RA;Johnson FK;Lenzsér G;Hermán P;Horváth EM;Benyó Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán, Hermán Péter, Horváth Béla, Horváth Eszter M., Lenzsér Gábor, Leszl-Ishiguro Miriam
Neuroreport, 2007. 18(11): p1193-7

Nicotinic acid-induced flushing is mediated by activation of epidermal langerhans cells. (Journal Article)
Benyo Z;Gille A;Bennett CL;Clausen BE;Offermanns S
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán
Molecular pharmacology, 2006. 70(6): p1844-9

Endothelial NOS-mediated relaxations of isolated thoracic aorta of the C57BL/6J mouse: a methodological study. (Journal Article)
Horvath B;Orsy P;Benyo Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán, Horváth Béla, Őrsy Petra
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, 2005. 45(3): p225-31

GPR109A (PUMA-G/HM74A) mediates nicotinic acid-induced flushing. (Journal Article)
Benyo Z;Gille A;Kero J;Csiky M;Suchankova MC;Nusing RM;Moers A;Pfeffer K;Offermanns S
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Benyó Zoltán
The Journal of clinical investigation, 2005. 115(12): p3634-40
Because of the author of this article not noticed Semmelweis University as workplace it is not counted.

Aggregated IF values: 70.476