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Tátrai Erika publikációi.
(Szemészeti Klinika)

A macula szerkezetének változása sclerosis multiplexes betegekben (Journal Article)
Tátrai E., Simó M., Iljicsov A., Németh J., D. C. DeBuc, Somfai G. M
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Németh János, Somfai Gábor Márk, Tátrai Erika
Szemészet, 2011. 148: p134-139

A maculaszerkezet in vivo kvantitatív vizsgálata az OCT-képek szegmentálásával: a reprodukálhatóság, illetve a retinarétegek korral mutatott változásainak elemzése (Journal Article)
Somfai G.M., Tátrai E., Ferencz M., Cabrera DeBuc D., Ranganathan S., Németh J.
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Ferencz Mária, Németh János, Somfai Gábor Márk, Tátrai Erika
Szemészet, 2011. 148: p11-16

Comparison of retinal thickness by Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography and OCT retinal image analysis software segmentation analysis derived from Stratus optical coherence tomography images. (Evaluation Studies;Journal Article)
Tátrai E;Ranganathan S;Ferencz M;DeBuc DC;Somfai GM
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Ferencz Mária, Somfai Gábor Márk, Tátrai Erika
Journal of biomedical optics, 2011. 16(5): p056004

Investigation of changes in thickness and reflectivity from layered retinal structures of healthy and diabetic eyes with optical coherence tomography (Journal Article)
Gao W, Tátrai E, Ölvedy V, Varga B, Laurik L, Somogyi A, Somfai GM, DeBuc DC
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Somfai Gábor Márk, Somogyi Anikó, Tátrai Erika
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2011. 4(10): p657-665

The structure and function of the macula in patients with advanced retinitis pigmentosa. (Journal Article)
Vámos R;Tátrai E;Németh J;Holder GE;DeBuc DC;Somfai GM
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Németh János, Németh János, Somfai Gábor Márk, Tátrai Erika, Vámos Rita
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2011. 52(11): p8425-32

Improving image segmentation performance and quantitative analysis via a computer-aided grading methodology for optical coherence tomography retinal image analysis. (Journal Article)
Debuc DC;Salinas HM;Ranganathan S;Tátrai E;Gao W;Shen M;Wang J;Somfai GM;Puliafito CA
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Somfai Gábor Márk, Tátrai Erika
Journal of biomedical optics, 2010. 15(4): p046015

Retinal layer thickness changes in eyes with preserved visual acuity and diffuse diabetic macular edema on optical coherence tomography. (Journal Article)
Somfai GM;Tátrai E;Ferencz M;Puliafito CA;Debuc DC
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Somfai Gábor Márk, Tátrai Erika
Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging : the official journal of the International Society for Imaging in the Eye, 2010. 41(6): p593-7

Devic syndrome--case report, current principles of diagnosis and therapy]. (Journal Article;Review)
Iljicsov A;Barsi P;Várallyay G;Tátrai E;Somfai GM;Bereczki D;Rudas G;Simó M
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Barsi Péter, Bereczki Dániel, Iljicsov Anna, Rudas Gábor, Simó Magdolna, Somfai Gábor Márk, Tátrai Erika, Várallyay György
Ideggyogyaszati szemle, 2010. 63(9-10): p320-6

Reliability and reproducibility of macular segmentation using a custom-built optical coherence tomography retinal image analysis software. (Journal Article)
DeBuc DC;Somfai GM;Ranganathan S;Tátrai E;Ferencz M;Puliafito CA
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Somfai Gábor Márk, Tátrai Erika
Journal of biomedical optics, 2009. 14(6): p64023

Aggregated IF values: 13.394