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Molnár Béla publikációi.
( Belgyógyászati Klinika)

Estrogens regulate neuroinflammatory genes via estrogen receptors alpha and ß in the frontal cortex of middle-aged female rats. (Journal Article)
Sárvári M;Hrabovszky E;Kalló I;Solymosi N;Tóth K;Likó I;Széles J;Mahó S;Molnár B;Liposits Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla
Journal of neuroinflammation, 2011. 8: p82

Lymphoid aggregates may contribute to the migration and epithelial commitment of bone marrow-derived cells in colonic mucosa. (Journal Article)
Valcz G;Krenács T;Sipos F;Patai AV;Wichmann B;Leiszter K;Tóth K;Balogh Z;Csizmadia A;Hagymási K;Masszi T;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Balogh Zsófia, Csizmadia Annamária, Hagymási Krisztina, Krenács Tibor, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tóth Kinga, Tulassay Zsolt
Journal of clinical pathology, 2011. 64(9): p771-5

Peripheral blood based discrimination of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease from non-IBD colitis by genome-wide gene expression profiling. (Journal Article)
Sipos F;Galamb O;Wichmann B;Krenács T;Tóth K;Leiszter K;Muzes G;Zágoni T;Tulassay Z;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Krenács Tibor, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Műzes Györgyi, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt, Zágoni Tamás
Disease markers, 2011. 30(1): p1-17

Technical note on the validation of a semi-automated image analysis software application for estrogen and progesterone receptor detection in breast cancer. (Journal Article)
Krecsák L;Micsik T;Kiszler G;Krenács T;Szabó D;Jónás V;Császár G;Czuni L;Gurzó P;Ficsor L;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Krenács Tibor, Micsik Tamás, Molnár Béla
Diagnostic pathology, 2011. 6: p6

The influence of methylated septin 9 gene on RNA and protein level in colorectal cancer. (Journal Article)
Tóth K;Galamb O;Spisák S;Wichmann B;Sipos F;Valcz G;Leiszter K;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tóth Kinga, Tulassay Zsolt
Pathology oncology research : POR, 2011. 17(3): p503-9

The role of the bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells in colonic epithelial regeneration. (Journal Article;Review)
Valcz G;Krenács T;Sipos F;Leiszter K;Tóth K;Balogh Z;Csizmadia A;Muzes G;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Csizmadia Annamária, Krenács Tibor, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Műzes Györgyi, Sipos Ferenc, Tóth Kinga, Tulassay Zsolt
Pathology oncology research : POR, 2011. 17(1): p11-6

Vastagbél-daganatok molekuláris biológiai markereinek azonosítása (Journal Article)
Spisák S., Kalmár A., Galamb O., Sipos F., Wichmann B., Molnár B., Tulassay Zs.
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosképzés, 2011. LXXXVI.(S2): p213-235

Applicability of antibody and mRNA expression microarrays for identifying diagnostic and progression markers of early and late stage colorectal cancer. (Journal Article)
Spisák S;Galamb B;Sipos F;Galamb O;Wichmann B;Solymosi N;Nemes B;Molnár J;Tulassay Z;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Nemes Balázs, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Disease markers, 2010. 28(1): p1-14

Az öregedés jelei az emésztőrendszerben (Journal Article)
Dr. Leiszter Katalin, Dr. Galamb Orsolya, Dr. Sípos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Dr. Tóth Kinga, Valtz Gábor, Kalmár Alexandra, Dr. Műzes Györgyi, Dr. Molnár Jeanette, Dr. Tulassay Zsolt
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Műzes Györgyi, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Magyar Belorvosi Archívum, 2010. 63: p19-24

Digital microscopy for boosting database integration and analysis in TMA studies. (Journal Article)
Krenacs T;Ficsor L;Varga SV;Angeli V;Molnar B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2010. 664: p163-75
Because of the author of this article not noticed Semmelweis University as workplace it is not counted.

Elevated osteopontin expression and proliferative/apoptotic ratio in the colorectal adenoma-dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. (Journal Article)
Valcz G;Sipos F;Krenács T;Molnár J;Patai AV;Leiszter K;Tóth K;Solymosi N;Galamb O;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Krenács Tibor, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Pathology oncology research : POR, 2010. 16(4): p541-5

Estradiol replacement alters expression of genes related to neurotransmission and immune surveillance in the frontal cortex of middle-aged, ovariectomized rats. (Journal Article)
Sárvári M;Kalló I;Hrabovszky E;Solymosi N;Tóth K;Likó I;Molnár B;Tihanyi K;Liposits Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla
Endocrinology, 2010. 151(8): p3847-62

Gene expression profiling identifies key estradiol targets in the frontal cortex of the rat. (Journal Article)
Sárvári M;Hrabovszky E;Kalló I;Galamb O;Solymosi N;Likó I;Molnár B;Tihanyi K;Szombathelyi Z;Liposits Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla
Endocrinology, 2010. 151(3): p1161-76

Molecular pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori infection: the role of bacterial virulence factors. (Journal Article;Review)
Molnar B;Galamb O;Sipos F;Leiszter K;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland), 2010. 28(4-5): p604-8

Performance of epigenetic markers SEPT9 and ALX4 in plasma for detection of colorectal precancerous lesions. (Journal Article)
Tänzer M;Balluff B;Distler J;Hale K;Leodolter A;Röcken C;Molnar B;Schmid R;Lofton-Day C;Schuster T;Ebert MP
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla
PloS one, 2010. 5(2): pe9061

Reversal of gene expression changes in the colorectal normal-adenoma pathway by NS398 selective COX2 inhibitor. (Journal Article)
Galamb O;Spisák S;Sipos F;Tóth K;Solymosi N;Wichmann B;Krenács T;Valcz G;Tulassay Z;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Krenács Tibor, Molnár Béla, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
British journal of cancer, 2010. 102(4): p765-73

Shifting gears higher--digital slides in graduate education--4 years experience at Semmelweis University. (Journal Article)
Fónyad L;Gerely L;Cserneky M;Molnár B;Matolcsy A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla
Diagnostic pathology, 2010. 5: p73

The possible role of isolated lymphoid follicles in colonic mucosal repair. (Journal Article;Review)
Sipos F;Muzes G;Galamb O;Spisák S;Krenács T;Tóth K;Tulassay Z;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Krenács Tibor, Molnár Béla, Műzes Györgyi, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Pathology oncology research : POR, 2010. 16(1): p11-8

Age-related microscopic and molecular changes of the human colon, and their role in the development of colorectal cancer in elderly people]. (Journal Article;Review)
Leiszter K;Galamb O;Sipos F;Tóth K;Valcz G;Patai VA;Molnár J;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2010. 151(22): p885-92

Identification of methylation related genes from laser capture microdissected colon samples during investigation of adenoma-carcinoma sequence]. (Journal Article)
Spisák S;Kalmár A;Galamb O;Sipos F;Wichmann B;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2010. 151(20): p805-14

Selective chromopertubation via hysteroscopic tubal cannulation]. (Journal Article)
Szabó I;Langmár Z;Fontányi Z;Sobel G;Hazay M;Galamb A;Zergényi-Molnár D;Sziller P;Pajor A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fontányi Zoltán dr., Galamb Ádám dr., Galamb Orsolya, Langmár Zoltán dr., Molnár Béla, Pajor Attila dr., Sipos Ferenc, Sobel Gábor dr., Spisák Sándor, Szabó István dr., Sziller Péter dr., Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2010. 151(11): p453-6

Automated multichannel fluorescent whole slide imaging and its application for cytometry. (Journal Article)
Varga VS;Ficsor L;Kamarás V;Jónás V;Virág T;Tulassay Z;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Ficsor Levente, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt, Varga Viktor Sebestyén
Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, 2009. 75(12): p1020-30

Az őssejtek jellemzése, mozgása és terápiás lehetőségei a humán vastagbélben (Journal Article)
Valcz Gábor, Sipos Ferenc, Krenács Tibor, Spisák Sándor, Tóth Kinga, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Magyar Belorvosi Archívum, 2009. 62: p272-278

Evaluation of microarray preprocessing algorithms based on concordance with RT-PCR in clinical samples. (Evaluation Studies;Journal Article)
Gyorffy B;Molnar B;Lage H;Szallasi Z;Eklund AC
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Győrffy Balázs, Molnár Béla
PloS one, 2009. 4(5): pe5645

Identification of female-produced sex pheromone of the honey locust gall midge, Dasineura gleditchiae. (Journal Article)
Molnár B;Kárpáti Z;Szocs G;Hall DR
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla
Journal of chemical ecology, 2009. 35(6): p706-14
Because of the author of this article not noticed Semmelweis University as workplace it is not counted.

Increased p53 expression in the malignant transformation of Barrett's esophagus is accompanied by an upward shift of the proliferative compartment. (Journal Article)
Hritz I;Gyorffy H;Molnar B;Lakatos G;Sipos F;Pregun I;Juhasz M;Pronai L;Schaff Z;Tulassay Z;Herszenyi L
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Győrffy Hajnalka, Herszényi László, Hritz István, Juhász Márk, Lakatos Gábor, Molnár Béla, Pregun István, Schaff Zsuzsa, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Pathology oncology research : POR, 2009. 15(2): p183-92

Once daily versus three times daily mesalazine granules in active ulcerative colitis: a double-blind, double-dummy, randomised, non-inferiority trial. (Journal Article;Multicenter Study;Randomized Controlled Trial)
Kruis W;Kiudelis G;Rácz I;Gorelov IA;Pokrotnieks J;Horynski M;Batovsky M;Kykal J;Boehm S;Greinwald R;Mueller R
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Herszényi László, Hritz István, Juhász Márk, Lakatos Gábor, Molnár Béla, Pregun István, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Gut, 2009. 58(2): p233-40

Polymorphisms of the ApoE, HSD3B1, IL-1beta and p53 genes are associated with the development of early uremic complications in diabetic patients: results of a DNA resequencing array study. (Journal Article)
Szoke D;Molnar B;Solymosi N;Racz K;Gergics P;Blasko B;Vasarhelyi B;Vannay A;Mandy Y;Klausz G;Gyulai Z;Galamb O;Spisak S;Hutkai B;Somogyi A;Berta K;Szabo A;Tulassay T;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Blasko Bernadett , Galamb Orsolya, Gergics Péter, Molnár Béla, Rácz Károly, Sipos Ferenc, Somogyi Anikó, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Tivadar, Tulassay Zsolt, Vannay Ádám, Vásárhelyi Barna
International journal of molecular medicine, 2009. 23(2): p217-27

Potential biomarkers of colorectal adenoma-dysplasia-carcinoma progression: mRNA expression profiling and in situ protein detection on TMAs reveal 15 sequentially upregulated and 2 downregulated genes. (Journal Article)
Galamb O;Sipos F;Spisák S;Galamb B;Krenács T;Valcz G;Tulassay Z;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Krenács Tibor, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Cellular oncology : the official journal of the International Society for Cellular Oncology, 2009. 31(1): p19-29

The potential of digital microscopy in breast pathology. (Journal Article)
Krenacs T;Zsakovics I;Diczhazi C;Ficsor L;Varga VS;Molnar B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Ficsor Levente, Krenács Tibor, Molnár Béla, Varga Viktor Sebestyén
Pathology oncology research : POR, 2009. 15(1): p55-8

The RR genotype of codon 72 of p53 gene reduces the development of intestinal metaplasia. (Journal Article)
Szoke D;Molnár B;Solymosi N;Sipos F;Galamb O;Gyorffy A;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Digestive and liver disease : official journal of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver, 2009. 41(3): p179-84

Virtuális mikroszkópia alkalmazási lehetőségei a vastabélbetegségek diagnosztikájában (Journal Article)
Mollnár Béla
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla
Orvosképzés, 2009. 5: p367-418

Appearing of bone marrow derived stem cells in healthy and regenerating colonic epithelium (Journal Article;Review)
Valcz G;Krenács T;Sipos F;Wichmann B;Tóth K;Leiszter K;Balogh Z;Csizmadia A;Hagymási K;Muzes G;Masszi T;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Balogh Zsófia, Csizmadia Annamária, Hagymási Krisztina, Krenács Tibor, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Műzes Györgyi, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2009. 150(40): p1852-7

Free circulating DNA based colorectal cancer screening from peripheral blood: the possibility of the methylated septin 9 gene marker (Journal Article;Review)
Tóth K;Galamb O;Spisák S;Wichmann B;Sipos F;Leiszter K;Molnár J;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2009. 150(21): p969-77

Immunohistochemical phenotype of breast carcinomas predicts the effectiveness of primary systemic therapy (Journal Article)
Kulka J;Tokés AM;Tóth AI;Szász AM;Farkas A;Borka K;Járay B;Székely E;Istók R;Lotz G;Madaras L;Korompay A;Harsányi L;László Z;Rusz Z;Molnár BA;Molnár IA;Kenessey I;Szentmártoni G;Székely B;Dank M
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Borka Katalin, Harsányi László, Istók Roland, Járay Balázs, Kenessey István, Korompay Anna, Kulka Janina, Lotz Gábor, Madaras Lilla, Molnár B., Molnár Béla, Molnár István Artúr, Szász Attila Marcell, Székely Borbála, Székely Eszter, Tóth Adrienn Ildikó, Tőkés Anna-Mária
Magyar onkologia, 2009. 53(4): p335-43

Role of myofibroblast in inflammatory bowel disease and tumor genesis (Journal Article;Review)
Valcz G;Krenács T;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Krenács Tibor, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2009. 150(13): p597-602

Tissue microarray (TMA) validated progression markers in colorectal cancer using antibody microarrays (Journal Article)
Spisák S;Galamb B;Wichmann B;Sipos F;Galamb O;Solymosi N;Nemes B;Tulassay Z;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2009. 150(34): p1607-13

A mátrix metalloproteináz-9 expressziója colitis ulcerosában (Journal Article)
Herszényi László, Sipos Ferenc, Molnár Béla, Galamb Orsolya, Solymosi Norbert, Bérczi Lajos, Juhász Márk, Miheller Pál, Tulassay Zsolt
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Herszényi László, Juhász Márk, Miheller Pál, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Magyar Belorvosi Archívum, 2008. 61(6): p470-475

A szelénhiány és az emésztőszervi daganatos betegségek kapcsolata - irodalmi áttekintés (Journal Article)
Molnár Jeannette, Molnár Béla, Tóth Kinga, Leiszter Katalin, Tulassay Zsolt
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Leiszter Katalin, Molnár Béla, Molnár Jenaette, Tulassay Zsolt
Magyar Belorvosi Archívum, 2008. 61: p13-19

Automated classification of inflammation in colon histological sections based on digital microscopy and advanced image analysis. (Journal Article)
Ficsor L;Varga VS;Tagscherer A;Tulassay Z;Molnar B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Ficsor Levente, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt, Varga Viktor Sebestyén
Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, 2008. 73(3): p230-7

Diagnostic mRNA expression patterns of inflamed, benign, and malignant colorectal biopsy specimen and their correlation with peripheral blood results. (Journal Article)
Galamb O;Sipos F;Solymosi N;Spisák S;Krenács T;Tóth K;Tulassay Z;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Krenács Tibor, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 2008. 17(10): p2835-45

Elevated insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor, hepatocyte growth factor receptor and telomerase protein expression in mild ulcerative colitis. (Journal Article)
Sipos F;Galamb O;Herszényi L;Molnár B;Solymosi N;Zágoni T;Berczi L;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Berczi Lajos, Galamb Orsolya, Herszényi László, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt, Zágoni Tamás
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology, 2008. 43(3): p289-98

Elevation in peripheral blood circulating tumor cell number correlates with macroscopic progression in UICC stage IV colorectal cancer patients. (Journal Article)
Molnar B;Floro L;Sipos F;Toth B;Sreter L;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Flóró Lajos, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Sréter Lídia, Tulassay Zsolt
Disease markers, 2008. 24(3): p141-50

Helicobacter pylori and antrum erosion-specific gene expression patterns: the discriminative role of CXCL13 and VCAM1 transcripts. (Journal Article)
Galamb O;Győrffy B;Sipos F;Dinya E;Krenács T;Berczi L;Szőke D;Spisák S;Solymosi N;Németh AM;Juhász M;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Berczi Lajos, Galamb Orsolya, Győrffy Balázs, Juhász Márk, Krenács Tibor, Molnár Béla, Németh Annamária, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Helicobacter, 2008. 13(2): p112-26

Inflammation, adenoma and cancer: objective classification of colon biopsy specimens with gene expression signature. (Journal Article)
Galamb O;Györffy B;Sipos F;Spisák S;Németh AM;Miheller P;Tulassay Z;Dinya E;Molnár B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Győrffy Balázs, Miheller Pál, Molnár Béla, Németh Annamária, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Disease markers, 2008. 25(1): p1-16

Matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in the normal mucosa-adenoma-dysplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence of the colon. (Journal Article)
Herszényi L;Sipos F;Galamb O;Solymosi N;Hritz I;Miheller P;Berczi L;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Berczi Lajos, Galamb Orsolya, Herszényi László, Hritz István, Miheller Pál, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Pathology oncology research : POR, 2008. 14(1): p31-7

Significantly elevated Helicobacter pylori density and different genotype distribution in erosions as compared with normal gastric biopsy specimen detected by quantitative real-time PCR. (Journal Article;Randomized Controlled Trial)
Molnar B;Szoke D;Ruzsovics A;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology, 2008. 20(4): p305-13

T-251A polymorphism of IL-8 relating to the development of histological gastritis and G-308A polymorphism of TNF-alpha relating to the development of macroscopic erosion. (Journal Article)
Szoke D;Molnar B;Solymosi N;Klausz G;Gyulai Z;Toth B;Mandi Y;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology, 2008. 20(3): p191-5

Functional mRNA expression analysis and classification of colonic biopsy samples using overall cDNA microarray technique (Journal Article)
Galamb O;Sipos F;Dinya E;Spisák S;Somorácz A;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2008. 149(5): p219-32

Stem cell transplantation in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases (Journal Article;Review)
Hagymási K;Molnár B;és Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Hagymási Krisztina, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2008. 149(31): p1449-55

Alterations of glutathione S-transferase and matrix metalloproteinase-9 expressions are early events in esophageal carcinogenesis. (Journal Article)
Herszenyi L;Hritz I;Pregun I;Sipos F;Juhasz M;Molnar B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Herszényi László, Hritz István, Juhász Márk, Molnár Béla, Pregun István, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
World journal of gastroenterology : WJG, 2007. 13(5): p676-82

Genetic polymorphisms of NOD1 and IL-8, but not polymorphisms of TLR4 genes, are associated with Helicobacter pylori-induced duodenal ulcer and gastritis. (Journal Article)
Hofner P;Gyulai Z;Kiss ZF;Tiszai A;Tiszlavicz L;Tóth G;Szőke D;Molnár B;Lonovics J;Tulassay Z;Mándi Y
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
Helicobacter, 2007. 12(2): p124-31

Identification and validation of colorectal neoplasia-specific methylation markers for accurate classification of disease. (Journal Article)
Model F;Osborn N;Ahlquist D;Gruetzmann R;Molnar B;Sipos F;Galamb O;Pilarsky C;Saeger HD;Tulassay Z;Hale K;Mooney S;Lograsso J;Adorjan P;Lesche R;Dessauer A;Kleiber J;Porstmann B;Sledziewski A;Lofton-Day C
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla
Molecular cancer research : MCR, 2007. 5(2): p153-63

Protein microchips in biomedicine and biomarker discovery. (Journal Article;Review)
Spisak S;Tulassay Z;Molnar B;Guttman A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Electrophoresis, 2007. 28(23): p4261-73

Vastagbél-betegségben szenvedők perifériás vérének mRNS-expressziós vizsgálata (Journal Article)
Tóth K., Galamb O., Solymosi N., Hevér-Pálfy T., Spisák S., Sipos F., Miheller P., müllner K., Molnár B., Tulassay Zs.:
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Miheller Pál, Molnár Béla, Müllner Katalin, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Magyar Belorvosi Archívum, 2007. 60: p531-539

Clinical pharmacological aspects of the proton pump inhibitor therapy: importance of pharmacogenetic differences in the clinical practice (Journal Article;Review)
Mullner K;Molnar B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla, Müllner Katalin, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2007. 148(12): p543-51

Identification of colorectal cancer, adenoma, and inflammatory bowel disease specific gene expression patterns using whole genomic oligonucleotide microarray system (Journal Article)
Galamb O;Gyorffy B;Sipos F;Spisák S;Németh AM;Miheller P;Dinya E;Molnár B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Blázovics Anna, Galamb Orsolya, Győrffy Balázs, Herszényi László, Miheller Pál, Molnár Béla, Műzes Györgyi, Németh Annamária, Rácz Károly, Sipos Ferenc, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2007. 148(44): p2067-79

RNA expression as a prognostic tool in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (Journal Article;Review)
Fischer K;Galamb O;Molnár B;Tulassay Z;Szabó A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2007. 148(23): p1067-75

Stem cell theory of colorectal cancer and its connection with molecular-biological data (Journal Article;Review)
Hagymási K;Molnár B;Sipos F;Galamb O;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Hagymási Krisztina, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2007. 148(17): p779-85

Theoretical foundations of protein chips and their possible use in medical research and diagnostics (Journal Article;Review)
Spisák S;Molnár B;Galamb O;Sipos F;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2007. 148(32): p1511-20

A gyomornyálkahártya-sejtek életciklusa protonpumpagátló kezelés során (Journal Article)
Hritz I., Herszényi L., Molnár B., Prónai L., Tulassay Zs.
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Herszényi László, Hritz István, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt
Magyar Belorvosi Archívum, 2006. 2006, 61: p187-191

Aristaless-like homeobox-4 gene methylation is a potential marker for colorectal adenocarcinomas. (Journal Article)
Ebert MP;Model F;Mooney S;Hale K;Lograsso J;Tonnes-Priddy L;Hoffmann J;Csepregi A;Rocken C;Molnar B;Schulz HU;Malfertheiner P;Lofton-Day C
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla
Gastroenterology, 2006. 131(5): p1418-30

Automated four-color analysis of leukocytes by scanning fluorescence microscopy using quantum dots. (Journal Article)
Bocsi J;Lenz D;Mittag A;Varga VS;Molnar B;Tulassay Z;Sack U;Tarnok A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt, Varga Viktor Sebestyén
Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, 2006. 69(3): p131-4

Automated virtual microscopy of gastric biopsies. (Journal Article)
Ficsor L;Varga V;Berczi L;Miheller P;Tagscherer A;Wu ML;Tulassay Z;Molnar B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Berczi Lajos, Ficsor Levente, Miheller Pál, Molnár Béla, Tulassay Zsolt, Varga Viktor Sebestyén
Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometry, 2006. 70(6): p423-31

Laser microdissection in translational and clinical research. (Journal Article)
Ladanyi A;Sipos F;Szoke D;Galamb O;Molnar B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Ladányi András, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt
Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, 2006. 69(9): p947-60

mRNA expression, functional profiling and multivariate classification of colon biopsy specimen by cDNA overall glass microarray. (Journal Article)
Galamb O;Sipos F;Dinya E;Spisak S;Tulassay Z;Molnar B
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Spisák Sándor, Tulassay Zsolt
World journal of gastroenterology : WJG, 2006. 12(43): p6998-7006

Proteomika a daganatkutatásban: biomarkerek diagnosztikai és klinikai validálása szöveti multiblokk ("tissue microarray") módszerrel (Journal Article)
Krenács T., Stelkovics É., Molnár B., Kopper L.
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Kopper László, Krenács Tibor, Molnár Béla
Orvosképzés, 2006. 2006, 3: p209-222

Use of routinely collected amniotic fluid for whole-genome expression analysis of polygenic disorders. (Journal Article)
Nagy GR;Gyorffy B;Galamb O;Molnar B;Nagy B;Papp Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Molnár Béla, Nagy Bálint, Nagy Gyula Richárd, Papp Zoltán
Clinical chemistry, 2006. 52(11): p2013-20

Association of coeliac disease and myasthenia gravis (Journal Article)
Csaplar M;Juhasz M;Muzes G;Jakab C;Aranyi Z;Rozsa C;Molnar B;Komoly S;Papay J;Zagoni T;Herszenyi L;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Arányi Zsuzsanna, Herszényi László, Juhász Márk, Molnár Béla, Műzes Györgyi, Tulassay Zsolt, Zágoni Tamás
Orvosi hetilap, 2006. 147(18): p841-4

Insulin-like growth factor receptor, hepatocyte-derived growth factor receptor and telomerase expression in ulcerative colitis (Journal Article)
Sipos F;Molnar B;Zagoni T;Miheller P;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Miheller Pál, Molnár Béla, Sipos Ferenc, Tulassay Zsolt, Zágoni Tamás
Orvosi hetilap, 2006. 147(38): p1835-41

Molecular biology background of inflammatory bowel disease (Journal Article;Review)
Miheller P;Muzes G;Galamb O;Molar B;Tulassay Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Galamb Orsolya, Miheller Pál, Molnár Béla, Műzes Györgyi, Tulassay Zsolt
Orvosi hetilap, 2006. 147(30): p1395-403

Aggregated IF values: 128.442