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Szabó Attila publikációi.
( Gyermekgyógyászati Klinika)

A haemolyticus uraemiás szindróma diagnosztikájának és terápiájának aktuális kérdései. 2. rész (Journal Article)
Prohászka Z, Szilágyi Á, Réti M, Szabó J Attila, Reusz György
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Hypertonia és Nephrologia, 2011. 15(3): p101-109

A single-center experience with kidney transplantation in the verteberal, anal, cardiac, tracheoesophageal, renal, and limb birth detects (VACTERL) association. (Journal Article)
Telkes G;Reusz G;Szabó AJ;Langer RM
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Langer Róbert, Reusz György, Szabó Attila, Telkes Gábor
Transplantation proceedings, 2011. 43(4): p1250-1

Az enuresis nocturna, az egyik leggyakoribb krónikus gyermekbetegség (Journal Article)
Kelen Kata, Sallay Péter, Reusz György, Szabó J Attila
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Kelen Katalin, Reusz György, Sallay Péter, Szabó Attila
Gyermekgyógyászati Továbbképző Szemle, 2011. 16(4): p149-152

Defining left ventricular hypertrophy in children on peritoneal dialysis. (Journal Article;Multicenter Study)
Borzych D;Bakkaloglu SA;Zaritsky J;Suarez A;Wong W;Ranchin B;Qi C;Szabo AJ;Coccia PA;Harambat J;Mitu F;Warady BA;Schaefer F
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Szabó Attila
Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN, 2011. 6(8): p1934-43

Diagnosis and classification of hemolytic uremic syndrome: the Hungarian experience. (Journal Article)
Reusz GS;Szabó AJ;Réti M;Györke Z;Szilágyi Á;Farkas P;Prohászka Z
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Farkas Péter, Prohászka Zoltán, Reusz György, Szabó Attila, Szilágyi Ágnes
Transplantation proceedings, 2011. 43(4): p1247-9

Effect of cigarette smoke and dexamethasone on Hsp72 system of alveolar epithelial cells. (Journal Article)
Gál K;Cseh A;Szalay B;Rusai K;Vannay A;Lukácsovits J;Heemann U;Szabó AJ;Losonczy G;Tamási L;Müller V
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseh Áron, Gál Krisztina, Losonczy György, Lukácsovits József, Müller Veronika, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila, Szalay Balázs, Tamási Lilla, Vannay Ádám
Cell stress & chaperones, 2011. 16(4): p369-78

Gender differences in serum and glucocorticoid regulated kinase-1 (SGK-1) expression during renal ischemia/reperfusion injury. (Journal Article)
Rusai K;Prókai A;Szebeni B;Mészáros K;Fekete A;Szalay B;Vannay Á;Degrell P;Müller V;Tulassay T;Szabó AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Mészáros Krisztina, Müller Veronika, Prókai Ágnes, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila, Szalay Balázs, Szebeni Beáta, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám
Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology, 2011. 27(6): p727-38

Glomeruláris vesebetegségek (Journal Article)
Reusz György, Szabó A, Veres Gábor
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Reusz György, Szabó Attila, Veres Gábor
Gyermekgyógyászati Továbbképző Szemle, 2011. 16: p241-243

H1N1 vaccination in pediatric renal transplant patients. (Journal Article)
Kelen K;Ferenczi D;Jankovics I;Varga M;Molnar MZ;Sallay P;Reusz G;Langer RM;Pasti K;Gerlei Z;Szabo AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Ferenczi Dóra, Gerlei Zsuzsanna, Kelen Katalin, Langer Róbert, Molnár Miklós Zsolt, Reusz György, Sallay Péter, Szabó Attila, Varga Marina
Transplantation proceedings, 2011. 43(4): p1244-6

Measurement of pulse wave velocity in children and young adults: a comparative study using three different devices. (Journal Article)
Kis E;Cseprekál O;Kerti A;Salvi P;Benetos A;Tisler A;Szabó A;Tulassay T;Reusz GS
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Kerti Andrea, Kis Éva, Reusz György, Szabó Attila, Tislér A, Tulassay Tivadar
Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension, 2011. 34(11): p1197-202

Renoprotective effect of erythropoietin in rats subjected to ischemia/reperfusion injury: gender differences. (Journal Article)
Prókai A;Fekete A;Bánki NF;Müller V;Vér A;Degrell P;Rusai K;Wagner L;Vannay A;Rosta M;Heemann U;Langer RM;Tulassay T;Reusz G;Szabó AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Bánki NF, Fekete Andrea, Langer Róbert, Müller Veronika, Prókai Ágnes, Reusz György, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám, Vér Ágota, Wagner László
Surgery, 2011. 150(1): p39-47

Captopril-enhanced renal scintigraphy in the diagnosis of pediatric hypertension. (Journal Article)
Reusz GS;Kis E;Cseprekál O;Szabó AJ;Kis E
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Kis Éva, Kis Éva, Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany), 2010. 25(2): p185-9

Gyakorlati útmutató az érfalrugalmasság mérésére gyermekeknél. Mit mivel mérjünk? (Journal Article)
Cseprekál O, Kis É, Szabó JA, Reusz Gy
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Kis Éva, Kis Éva, Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Hypertonia és Nephrologia, 2010. 14(4): p183-191

Heat shock protein polymorphism predisposes to urinary tract malformations and renal transplantation in children. (Journal Article)
Rusai K;Banki NF;Prokai A;Podracka L;Szebeni B;Tulassay T;Reusz GS;Sallay P;Körmendy R;Szabo AJ;Fekete A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Bánki NF, Prókai Ágnes, Reusz György, Rusai Krisztina, Sallay Péter, Szabó Attila, Szebeni Beáta, Tulassay Tivadar
Transplantation proceedings, 2010. 42(6): p2309-11

Reference values of pulse wave velocity in healthy children and teenagers. (Journal Article;Multicenter Study)
Reusz GS;Cseprekal O;Temmar M;Kis E;Cherif AB;Thaleb A;Fekete A;Szabó AJ;Benetos A;Salvi P
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Fekete Andrea, Kis Éva, Kis Éva, Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Hypertension, 2010. 56(2): p217-24

Role of serum and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase-1 in the protective effects of erythropoietin during renal ischemia/reperfusion injury. (Journal Article)
Rusai K;Prókai A;Szebeni B;Fekete A;Treszl A;Vannay A;Müller V;Reusz G;Heemann U;Lutz J;Tulassay T;Szabó AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Müller Veronika, Prókai Ágnes, Reusz György, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila, Szebeni Beáta, Treszl András, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám
Biochemical pharmacology, 2010. 79(8): p1173-81

Voiding urosonography with second-generation contrast agent versus voiding cystourethrography. (Evaluation Studies;Journal Article)
Kis E;Nyitrai A;Várkonyi I;Máttyus I;Cseprekál O;Reusz G;Szabó A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Kis Éva, Kis Éva, Máttyus István, Nyitrai Anna, Reusz György, Szabó Attila, Várkonyi Ildikó
Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany), 2010. 25(11): p2289-93

A nitrogén-monoxid szintáz enzimek vizsgálata hypoxia által kiváltott kórképekben. (Journal Article)
Rusai Krisztina, Reusz György, Szabó J Attila
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Reusz György, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila
Orvosképzés, 2009. 84(5): p383-396

Dehydroepiandrosterone pretreatment alters the ischaemia/reperfusion-induced VEGF, IL-1 and IL-6 gene expression in acute renal failure. (Journal Article)
Vannay A;Fekete A;Langer R;Tóth T;Sziksz E;Vásárhelyi B;Szabó AJ;Losonczy G;Adori C;Gál A;Tulassay T;Szabó A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Gál Anikó, Szabó Attila, Sziksz Erna, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám, Vásárhelyi Barna
Kidney & blood pressure research, 2009. 32(3): p175-84

Effects of bone and mineral metabolism on arterial elasticity in chronic renal failure. (Journal Article)
Kis E;Cseprekál O;Bíró E;Kelen K;Ferenczi D;Kerti A;Szabó AJ;Szabó A;Reusz GS
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Ferenczi Dóra, Kelen Katalin, Kerti Andrea, Kis Éva, Reusz György, Szabó Antal, Szabó Attila
Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany), 2009. 24(12): p2413-20

Peroxidasin is secreted and incorporated into the extracellular matrix of myofibroblasts and fibrotic kidney. (Journal Article)
Péterfi Z;Donkó A;Orient A;Sum A;Prókai A;Molnár B;Veréb Z;Rajnavölgyi E;Kovács KJ;Müller V;Szabó AJ;Geiszt M
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Donkó Ágnes, Geiszt Miklós, Müller Veronika, Orient Anna, Péterfi Zalán, Prókai Ágnes, Szabó Attila
The American journal of pathology, 2009. 175(2): p725-35

Pulse wave velocity in children following renal transplantation. (Journal Article)
Cseprekál O;Kis E;Schäffer P;Othmane Tel H;Fekete BC;Vannay A;Szabó AJ;Remport A;Szabó A;Tulassay T;Reusz GS
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Kis Éva, Reusz György, Szabó Attila, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2009. 24(1): p309-15

A folyamatos erythropoietin receptor aktiváló (CERA) klinikai alkalmazásának eredményei II. (Journal Article)
Szabó J Attila, Pásti Kisztina, Reusz György
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Hypertonia és Nephrologia, 2008. 12(5): p178-183

Az erythropoesist stimuláló szerek szerkezete és biológiai hatása I. (Journal Article)
Reusz György, Kis Éva, Szabó J Attila
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Kis Éva, Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Hypertonia és Nephrologia, 2008. 12(4): p123-132

Effect of inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and L-arginine supplementation on renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury and the renal nitric oxide system. (Journal Article)
Rusai K;Fekete A;Szebeni B;Vannay A;Bokodi G;Müller V;Viklicky O;Bloudickova S;Rajnoch J;Heemann U;Reusz G;Szabó A;Tulassay T;Szabó AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Bokodi Géza, Fekete Andrea, Müller Veronika, Reusz György, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó András, Szabó Attila, Szebeni Beáta, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám
Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology, 2008. 35(10): p1183-9

Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene T-786C and 27-bp repeat gene polymorphisms in retinopathy of prematurity. (Journal Article)
Rusai K;Vannay A;Szebeni B;Borgulya G;Fekete A;Vásárhelyi B;Tulassay T;Szabó AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila, Szebeni Beáta, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám, Vásárhelyi Barna
Molecular vision, 2008. 14: p286-90

Na+,K+-ATPase is modulated by angiotensin II in diabetic rat kidney--another reason for diabetic nephropathy? (Journal Article)
Fekete A;Rosta K;Wagner L;Prokai A;Degrell P;Ruzicska E;Vegh E;Toth M;Ronai K;Rusai K;Somogyi A;Tulassay T;Szabo AJ;Ver A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Prókai Ágnes, Rosta Klára, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila, Tóth Miklós, Tulassay Tivadar, Végh Edit, Vér Ágota
The Journal of physiology, 2008. 586(Pt 22): p5337-48

Nephron number determines susceptibility to renal mass reduction-induced CKD in Lewis and Fisher 344 rats: implications for development of experimentally induced chronic allograft nephropathy. (Journal Article)
Szabo AJ;Muller V;Chen GF;Samsell LJ;Erdely A;Baylis C
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Müller Veronika, Szabó Attila
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2008. 23(8): p2492-5

Post-transplant diabetes mellitus in children following renal transplantation. (Journal Article)
Prokai A;Fekete A;Kis E;Reusz GS;Sallay P;Korner A;Wagner L;Tulassay T;Szabo AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Kis Éva, Körner Anna, Prókai Ágnes, Reusz György, Sallay Péter, Szabó Attila, Tulassay Tivadar
Pediatric transplantation, 2008. 12(6): p643-9

Pulse wave velocity in end-stage renal disease: influence of age and body dimensions. (Journal Article)
Kis E;Cseprekál O;Horváth Z;Katona G;Fekete BC;Hrapka E;Szabó A;Szabó AJ;Fekete A;Reusz GS
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Fekete Andrea, Horváth Zsóka, Hrapka Erzsébet, Katona Gábor, Kis Éva, Reusz György, Szabó András, Szabó Attila
Pediatric research, 2008. 63(1): p95-8

Pulzushullám terjedési sebessége egészséges gyermekeknél (Journal Article)
Cseprekál Orsolya. Kis Éva, Schaffer Péter, Fekete Bertalan Csaba, El Hadj Othmane Taha, Szabó Attila, Reusz György
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Cseprekál Orsolya, Kis Éva, Reusz György, Schaffer Péter, Szabó Attila
Hypertonia és Nephrologia, 2008. 11(6): p15-20

Renal cortex neuronal nitric oxide synthase in response to rapamycin in kidney transplantation. (Journal Article)
Tain YL;Muller V;Szabo AJ;Erdely A;Smith C;Baylis C
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Müller Veronika, Szabó Attila
Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry / official journal of the Nitric Oxide Society, 2008. 18(1): p80-6

Sex differences in response to cyclosporine immunosuppression in experimental kidney transplantation. (Journal Article)
Muller V;Szabo AJ;Erdely A;Tain YL;Baylis C
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Müller Veronika, Szabó Attila
Clinical and experimental pharmacology ;&; physiology, 2008. 35(2009.05.06.): p574-9

A hemoglobinszint ciklicitása renalis anaemiában. (Journal Article)
Reusz György, Szabó J Attila
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Lege artis medicinae, 2007. 17(11): p767-774

Glomerulonephritis érdekes esete. (Journal Article)
Martyn M, György I, Kardos M, Szabó J Attila
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Szabó Attila
Gyermekgyógyászat, 2007. 58(4): p291-293

Heat shock protein 72 (HSPA1B) gene polymorphism and Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 mutation are associated with increased risk of urinary tract infection in children. (Journal Article)
Karoly E;Fekete A;Banki NF;Szebeni B;Vannay A;Szabo AJ;Tulassay T;Reusz GS
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Reusz György, Szabó Attila, Szebeni Beáta, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám
Pediatric research, 2007. 61(3): p371-4

Novel sources of reactive oxygen species in the human body. (Editorial;Review)
Orient A;Donkó A;Szabó A;Leto TL;Geiszt M
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Donkó Ágnes, Geiszt Miklós, Orient Anna, Szabó Attila
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2007. 22(5): p1281-8

Poszttranszplantációs diabetes mellitus vesetranszplantált gyermekekben. (Journal Article)
Prókai Ágnes, Reusz György, Sallay Péter, Körner Anna, Madácsy László, Szabó J Attila
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Körner Anna, Madácsy László, Prókai Ágnes, Reusz György, Sallay Péter, Szabó Attila
Hypertonia és Nephrologia, 2007. 11(1): p2009.07.12.

Single nucleotide polymorphism: is it only genetic palmistry? (Comment;Journal Article)
Muller V;Molnar Z;Szabo AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnár Zoltán, Müller Veronika, Szabó Attila
Transplantation, 2007. 84(8): p954-5
IF: Because of this article type is comment / letter, it is not counted.

Association between heat shock protein 70s and toll-like receptor polymorphisms with long-term renal allograft survival. (Journal Article)
Fekete A;Viklicky O;Hubacek JA;Rusai K;Erdei G;Treszl A;Vitko S;Tulassay T;Heemann U;Reusz G;Szabo AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Reusz György, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila, Treszl András, Tulassay Tivadar
Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 2006. 19(3): p190-6

Lack of long-term protective effect of antioxidant/anti-inflammatory therapy in transplant-induced ischemia/reperfusion injury. (Journal Article)
Tain YL;Muller V;Szabo A;Dikalova A;Griendling K;Baylis C
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Szabó Attila
American journal of nephrology, 2006. 26(3): p213-7

Sex differences in heat shock protein 72 expression and localization in rats following renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. (Journal Article)
Fekete A;Vannay A;Ver A;Rusai K;Muller V;Reusz G;Tulassay T;Szabo AJ
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Reusz György, Rusai Krisztina, Szabó Attila, Tulassay Tivadar, Vannay Ádám, Vér Ágota
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2006. 291(4): pF806-11

Veseátültetés gyermekkorban. (Journal Article)
Reusz Gy, Sszabó A, Remport Á, Szabó J, Járay J
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Gyermekgyógyászati Továbbképző Szemle, 2006. 11: p99-108.

Nephrotic syndrome in childhood (Journal Article;Review)
Reusz G;Szabo A;Fekete A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Fekete Andrea, Reusz György, Szabó Attila
Orvosi hetilap, 2006. 147(47): p2251-60

Aggregated IF values: 87.44