The Open Access publishing support process
1. Correspondent Author must colletct information before submitting the manuscript.
Please make sure the journal in which you want to publish is listed among the supported journals. You can do this by searching for your journal in the Journal catalog or in the attached Excel sheet about supported journals.
2. Once step 1 is done, correspondent author upload their manuscript to the publisher's editorial system.
- To assist the publisher in identifying, it is recommended that the article is being uploaded from an University IP domain and by entering an University email address.
- You may indicate your need for Institutional Support on the publisher's editorial system, choosing Semmelweis University from the drop-down menu.
3. The publisher indicates to the Central Library about that the publication has been uploaded.
- In most cases, the Library will be notified of the upload.
4. Verification of eligibility
The Central Library will send to you an e-mail request, asking a copy of your manuscript's first page and a short declaration that the affiliations provided will remain unchanged in the final published version. Please respond to this request as soon as possible because of most publishers will need to make decision from Library within few days.
5. Notification of Authors and Publisher
After verifying the author's affiliation (any legal relationship), the Library will notify the publisher and the authors about the support.