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Földes G publikációi.
( Belgyógyászati Klinika)

Targeting the Toll-System in cardiovascular sciences (Journal Article)
Földes G, von Haehling S, Jankowska EA, Anker SD
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Földes G
Recent Patents on Inflammation and Allergy Drug Discovery, 2007. 1(1): p57-61

Distinct modulation of angiotensin II-induced early left ventricular hypertrophic gene programming by dietary fat type. (Journal Article)
Foldes G;Vajda S;Lako-Futo Z;Sarman B;Skoumal R;Ilves M;deChatel R;Karadi I;Toth M;Ruskoaho H;Lepran I
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): de Châtel R, Földes G, Karádi István, Tóth Miklós
Journal of lipid research, 2006. 47(6): p1219-26

Toll-like receptor modulation in cardiovascular disease: a target for intervention? (Journal Article;Review)
Foldes G;von Haehling S;Anker SD
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Földes G
Expert opinion on investigational drugs, 2006. 15(8): p857-71

Aggregated IF values: 7.531