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Molnar M publikációi.
(Kórélettani Intézet)

Extracellular alkalinization stimulates calcium-activated chloride conductance in cystic fibrosis human airway epithelial cells. (Journal Article)
Dankó T;Hargitai D;Pataki A;Hakim H;Molnár M;Zsembery A
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Dankó Tamás, Molnar M, Zsembery Ákos
Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology, 2011. 27(3-4): p401-10

Relaxin ameliorates hypertension and increases nitric oxide metabolite excretion in angiotensin II but not N(?)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hypertensive rats. (Journal Article)
Sasser JM;Molnar M;Baylis C
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnar M
Hypertension, 2011. 58(2): p197-204

Atorvastatin effect on the distribution of high-density lipoprotein subfractions and human paraoxonase activity. (Journal Article)
Harangi M;Mirdamadi HZ;Seres I;Sztanek F;Molnár M;Kassai A;Derdák Z;Illyés L;Paragh G
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Molnar M
Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 2009. 153(4): p190-8

Iron Overload in Gaucher Cells and Bone Marrow that is not Associated with Hemochromatosis Gene Mutations C282Y and H63D in a Patient Having Coexsistent Gaucher and Parkinson Disease (Journal Article)
J. Varkonyi, M. Molnar, M. Kovacs, Z. Prohaszka
Authors in our database (Alphabetically): Kovács Margit, Molnar M, Prohászka Zoltán, Várkonyi Judit
Hungarian Medical Journal, 2007. 1(3): p371-374

Aggregated IF values: 11.126